Episode 121

Facing the Facts with FOXG1 Research Foundation - Nasha Fitter and Nicole Johnson


October 21st, 2020

1 hr 11 mins 25 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

Guests: Nasha Fitter and Nicole Johnson - In this course, Michelle is joined by Natasha Fitter, CEO and Head of Research, as well as Nicole Johnson, President of Communications, for FOXG1 Research Foundation. These two co-founders are here to share how their very personal parenting walks of children with FOXG1 Syndrome, led to the birth of this amazing Research Foundation that is changing the lives of countless children around the world. FOXG1 is know for causing varied and severe Pediatric Feeding Disorders. Not only will Natasha and Nicole share the history of the Foundation, but they will also discuss their latest research, and recommendations for best practice for evaluation and treatment of individuals with PFDs secondary to FOXG1.